Ashleigh Moolman

Concept - A training session day with Ashleigh Moolman

  1. Shoots types.

  2. Experience & location.

  3. Logistics.

  4. Clothes.


Tipus de reels que podem crear. D’una idea podem fer més d’un reel.

  • Reels with photos.

  • Wide-angle reels.

  • Plans estatics informals amb música- Good Thing i Sunday at home.

  • Cinematic stop motions reels.

  • Day 1 of exposing my training to reach 50k followers.

  • Training cinematic session, riding and strength and indoor training.

  • Primera persona Go Pro reels.

  • Preguntes divertides a l’Ash.

Shoots type list.

Experience & location.

13 of february

Schedule example:

  • 8:30 - 9:00 AM: Meeting at Can Campolier. Training room, Coffee room,

  • 9:00 - 10:30 AM: Reels in the house.

  • 10:30 AM - 12:30 AM: Reels training intervals.

  • 12:30 AM - 1:30 PM: Ryan chef reels.

People and logistics.

  • Guillem and Sergi, productien crew.

  • Car and a person that drives it. Also, the driver can create mobile content.

  • Cinema cameras and lights for specific shoots, digital and analogue cameras too.


  • Ashleigh Moolman, team kit.

  • People at Can Campolier could be nice that they try to use a similar colour to make a bit corporative visual. For example all black or using Rocacorba clothing T-shirt…